Listen now | The One-Drink Book Club is an informal, (almost) weekly series in which fellow author Emma Lee Jayne joins me and our other creative friends to talk about the life, business, and art of writing and making books … for the duration of one Friday-afternoon drink.
You are ALL inspiring, creative, and a round table discussion (well, updated obviously) with drinks? Who can’t say yes to a little lubricant to the inspo center of the brain? May I hopefully have something worthy of talking about so I can join you some Friday. Until then, keep up the quality think drink sessions! 😁🍹
I do have a great bottle of white chocolate liqueur - and a mirror… ;p *hic* It’s the home version of the best book club - don’t wait, order lines are open now! Free shipping and all the fun included! (Monday mornings are my extra weird time)
Nice work, again. This episode bookends the last one nicely. It's become apparent that no two writers are "blocked" the same. Probably just as the plots are tied intimately into the main character's inner conflicts. Art mirrors "reality".
That's becoming apparent to me, too. And I think it's a more complex issue than it sometimes appears to be: As in, you can be blocked for reasons that have nothing at all to do with writing itself, or you can seem to be blocked for one reason but the true reason is covertly something different ...
You talked about having an audio reader read your book to you. I use Speechify to read my manuscript back to me, and I can choose the voice. It helps me hear what I need to fix.
I'll check it out, thanks. What's bugged me in the past is that although there are all sorts of ways to highlight text and have it read that, I've had trouble finding an app that will simply read a book from start to finish, and remember your place when you stop. (Even if I could drop in the entire text for it to read, it does me no good if I have to keep re-finding where I was every time I use it.)
I load the Speechify app on my phone, allowing me to load multiple types of files, including epub. I am using it now to listen to Krislyn Lyon's book as well as mine, and it keeps track of where I am on both.
You are ALL inspiring, creative, and a round table discussion (well, updated obviously) with drinks? Who can’t say yes to a little lubricant to the inspo center of the brain? May I hopefully have something worthy of talking about so I can join you some Friday. Until then, keep up the quality think drink sessions! 😁🍹
Haha, you can always "play along at home." :)
I do have a great bottle of white chocolate liqueur - and a mirror… ;p *hic* It’s the home version of the best book club - don’t wait, order lines are open now! Free shipping and all the fun included! (Monday mornings are my extra weird time)
Nice work, again. This episode bookends the last one nicely. It's become apparent that no two writers are "blocked" the same. Probably just as the plots are tied intimately into the main character's inner conflicts. Art mirrors "reality".
That's becoming apparent to me, too. And I think it's a more complex issue than it sometimes appears to be: As in, you can be blocked for reasons that have nothing at all to do with writing itself, or you can seem to be blocked for one reason but the true reason is covertly something different ...
I like Dorothea Brande's advice - to go do someting boring and mundane.
You talked about having an audio reader read your book to you. I use Speechify to read my manuscript back to me, and I can choose the voice. It helps me hear what I need to fix.
I'll check it out, thanks. What's bugged me in the past is that although there are all sorts of ways to highlight text and have it read that, I've had trouble finding an app that will simply read a book from start to finish, and remember your place when you stop. (Even if I could drop in the entire text for it to read, it does me no good if I have to keep re-finding where I was every time I use it.)
I load the Speechify app on my phone, allowing me to load multiple types of files, including epub. I am using it now to listen to Krislyn Lyon's book as well as mine, and it keeps track of where I am on both.