The One-Drink Book Club is an informal, (almost) weekly series in which fellow author Emma Lee Jayne joins me and our other creative friends to talk about the life, business, and art of writing and making books … for the duration of one Friday-afternoon drink.
Here’s what we talked about in this episode:
We started off by giving updates on the last writer’s block episode, which a lot of people seemed to enjoy and take value from. Specifically, I shared a realization about my process that I’m hoping will break me through a current slow point.
I’ve just finished re-reading my own Gore Point series and shared how unabashedly pleased I was with it, particularly since I’d forgotten the story since writing it. We talked about the discovery process and what it’s like to re-experience your own stuff as a reader.
The conversation then shifted to “ALL ABOUT AUDIOBOOKS.” Topic covered were changing narrators in the middle of a series, “doing voices” for characters vs. neutral narration voice, taking artistic liberties, and more.
I shared some recent realizations: that there are big groups of readers out there that few authors are reaching because they don’t overlap with the audiences they focus on, like Kindle-only readers.
We finished by talking a bit about the idea of concept art to go with what’s in a book … and the fact that I, as the writer of my own books, couldn’t tell you what most of the things in those books look like to make art in the first place.
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