The One-Drink Book Club is an informal, (almost) weekly series in which fellow author Emma Lee Jayne joins me and our other creative friends to talk about the life, business, and art of writing and making books … for the duration of one Friday-afternoon drink.
Here’s what we talked about in this episode:
With Emma and I fresh from our Las Vegas trip to the Author Nation conference (and the RAVE bookselling event at its end), we started off by talking about Emma’s new branding, which she lined up in advance of Vegas.
This led to a discussion of judging books by their covers … which, by the way, everyone actually does.
We talked about selling books in person, and the unique eccentricities of that market.
I shared how well-received my “Artisan Author” talk was, making us feel that artistry isn’t dead.
We shared our experiences hand-selling books …
… and Bill followed up by asking if we “partook” of Vegas too much, or if we saw other people who did.
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